Oct 18, 2022
Chris and Tim are joined in The Fishbowl by Laura Carpenter, Senior VP of School Operations, to discuss Jon Acuff's book, Soundtracks. Jon lays out a solution to solve the superproblem of overthinking into your superpower. If you feel like you have a problem with overthinking, this podcast is for you!
Oct 11, 2022
What comes to mind when you hear strategic planning? I'm guessing just reading that caused your eyes to roll. Give us 41 minutes of your time to show you a better way to go from where your school is to where you want your school to be. Chris and Tim are joined by Dr. Nick Orlowski to talk about how implementing...
Oct 4, 2022
Chris and Tim are back in The Fishbowl with the goal of being back on a more regular cadence! Join them as they talk about the kickoff to the 2022-2023 school year!