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The Fishbowl: Eyes on Education

Jan 27, 2020

Horrible news was reported this weekend, as Tim's all time favorite athlete, Kobe Bryant, was involved in a helicopter accident. Kobe Bryant, his daughter, and several other passengers died in the crash. Chris and Tim use this episode as an opportunity to pause and reflect on making the most of the opportunities...

Jan 24, 2020

Today, Chris and Tim have 3 guests in the Fishbowl - Ellen Cramer, Michelle Samoylov, and Kristi Karber. These ladies share their history and experience working at CS Partners and how the Partner Principles are incorporated in their work life and how they see the Partner Principles evident in each others work.

Jan 23, 2020

This week, Chris and Tim ask staff from the CS Partners Home Office on to discuss the Core Values or Partner Principles that our company looks for when hiring and incorporates into our daily work. We had a blast hosting Sandy Hayes and Dr. Ticheal Jones in The Fishbowl for our 4th episode in this series. Sandy and...

Jan 22, 2020

This week, Chris and Tim ask staff from the CS Partners Home Office on to discuss the Core Values or Partner Principles that our company looks for when hiring and incorporates into our daily work. Dr. Sarah Pazur and Suzanne Surdu join the Fishbowl and share their thoughts on the power of the Partner Principles at work!

Jan 21, 2020

This week, Chris and Tim ask staff from the CS Partners Home Office on to discuss the Core Values or Partner Principles that our company looks for when hiring and incorporates into our daily work. Jim Perry and Katie Killion join the Fishbowl and share their thoughts on the power of the Partner Principles at work!